For those of you who don't know, I live in Maryland. I have lived here my whole life. In MD we get all four seasons. Winter, Spring, Summer and Fall. In the spring, its usually rainy, in the summer its hot, in the fall its crisp outside, and in the winter we get something called SNOW.
I really don't understand these people. Really I don't. As I said, we get snow every year. EVERY YEAR. Sometimes earlier in the season, sometimes later, but we always get it. It isn't like this is Florida where it never snows. Because if it was I would understand. But its not. It is Maryland. Where we get snow every freakin year. If you are one of those people who forget how to drive when it snows, then you need to move to Florida, Hawaii or some other hot weather place where it never snows.
Yesterday I had to go to Baltimore. Ok, I didn't HAVE to, but I really needed to. I had to get the box ou to Gigante Express so that my husband would get it so that he could sign certain papers and get them back to me. I had planned on going yesterday for a while now, and I wasn't about to let a little snow keep me home.
The exit into the city of Baltimore is less than 20 miles away from my house. Usually it takes me less than 15 minutes to get to the city. Once in the city, its another story to get where I need to be, but thats due to city traffic. In an hour and a half I went 12.3 miles. On 95. Not side roads, but on I-95. At no point was I stopped. Traffic was slow going due to trucks and cars that were on the side of the road in a ditch - trucks that obviously rolled over - more than once. Now I don't know how it happened - it was yucky out, but not really wasn't that bad out. It wasn't great, but how someone (well more than one someones) ended up rolling thier cars was beyond me.
Anyway, once I got to 695, and it was already 11AM, and I was only halfway there, I decided to come on back home. Being stuck in the van with most of the kids, going less than 10 miles an hour down the road, freezing our butts off is not, (since the heater isn't working right now in the van) then possibly not being able to make it back home in time to get Mick and Isa off the bus because of the idiots going down 95 (on my way up there were 3 spots that I passed in those 12.3 miles where there was no cars passing. Three DIFFERENT accidents that caused 95 to come to a standstill in THREE different places. And I am sure there were more farther down the stretch of 95 that I didn't know about.
But today I made it Baltimore and sent the box, and now I can sit back and relax, my letters, passport papers for the kids, and all the home videos that we made will be in Honduras in two weeks or so. Now I need a nap.
Thursday, December 6, 2007
Oh what a suprise. Snow...
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9:22 PM
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All I have to say is, it to my mom and her pal 16 hours to get from there house to mine this past weekend and its only a 5 hour trip. :) People are idiots. Don't tell my mom I said that about her though, lol.
I live in the central mid-west. We have all 4 seasons and we, too, get snow every year. And EVERY YEAR people forget and/or cannot drive in it. IT MAKES ME CRAZY!
We got 4 inches yesterday, my normal 20 minute drive home from work took 1 hour, so not too bad BUT this is our 3rd snow in less than a week. I think people are catching the clue bus.
HA! I remember when I lived in Ohio it would blow my mind that people's brains seemed to turn to mush when it snowed out and they couldn't remember how to drive. We don't have to deal with the crazy snow drivers here in Florida, but we do have to deal with the crazy OLD people who drive like they are driving on snow YEAR ROUND!!
Oh, and you can get to the photohunt info by clicking on the photohunt link on the sidebar of my blog. :) It'll take you to the photohunt webpage.
Hey...i just download free scrap kits off the internet and i have photoshop elements 4.0 and just play around! Its fun!
Don't you love how the weather brings out all the idiots? Geesh, people, just stay home and watch the weather channel if you're that bad of a driver! Let the rest of us actually drive.
Can you tell this is a hot topic with me?
Nothing like that first snow to make everyone stupid again! (Though the D.C. area is infamous for this, don't you think? They shut everything down if there's an inch of snow!) Oh well. Love the Santa hat - what a cute little guy! I can't believe how big he looks already!
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