The other day I realized that I am not doing right by my kids right now. Here lately I have been not happy, and while I have been here physically for my kids, I haven't really been here mentally for them. I get up and do the minimum that needs to be done here at home and for the kids. But anything else, I really havent been here mentally.
I just wanted to be alone and left alone, and sit and stew in my unhappiness. I couldnt wait for bedtime, because then that meant I wouldnt have to pretend to be paying attention. Its all because right now, it has been a hard holiday for me, with my husband so far away, and not being able to talk to him that often, and having a new baby - and all the crazy hormone swings that go with it, and just everything else piled on top of it. And while I have the right to be sad and what not, it isnt my kids fault, and I don't have the right to take it out on them so to speak.
So now I am trying to pull myself out of this depression, I guess you would call it. So tomorrow is a new day and a new year. So I am giving myself tonight to still be sad and what not, and then tomorrow it has to stop. Its time to stop sulking and get on with life. Plus this month (January) is the beginning of the crazy time, and I need to get in the right mind set for it.
Although I am listening to my brother in law, who is a dj for a radio station where my husband is, and it is helping me smile through the tears :) (anyone who is interested, you can listen to estereo liberacion here)
Anyway, that is what has been going on with me, and why I haven't been online. I am working on my resolutions, and *hopefully* I will be posting them tomorrow. Lets see how well that works out, LOL seeing as how I have a post from Christmas that I have been *working* on since last Tuesday, so who knows, LOL.
Monday, December 31, 2007
Where have I been???
Posted by
10:42 PM
Labels: sucky moods
Its all about me
I haven't been on here for a couple of days (more about that in another blog) but I figured the first post I post should be a meme. :)
Karen from The Rocking Pony tagged me the other day for a meme. I am supposed to be telling you 7 random things about me. I dont know how random they will be, but here we go anyway...
1) Many people think I am a horrible mom, well not horrible, but they dont agree with how I raise my kids. They think its horrible that my kids have to learn how to wash their own clothes, and do the dishes and *gasp* have to clean up and vacuum their rooms. They have alot of responsibility, and horrors of horrors, they have to listen, or there is consequences. I am told all the time how mean I am.
2) When I just had Andre and Jordan, I had a rule. No toys with noise. Now that I have 7 kids, that rule seems to have gone out the window. You would think that with just two kids, I wouldn't care, and with 7 I would enforce it more. But I guess I am just tired of fighting it. Or maybe I just have learned how to tune out more things.
3) I would love to learn many other languages besides just Spanish. Why, I dont know. What I would do with it, I dont know.
4) I have to fight myself to get outside to play with the kids, or go for a walk with them. But once I am out with them I enjoy it. So I dont know why I have such a hard time getting out there with them.
5) I am a night person. I can stay up until 3 or 4 AM with no problem. Its getting up with the kids that is the problem. So I have to change who I am because I have kids.
6) I am having a real hard time with my husband so far away. This time is many many times harder than before.
7) I cry easily at movies. Even if they are just a bit sappy, I am crying. Sometimes there doesnt have to be anything sad/touching etc. about it, and I cry.
I had to come back and edit this - I forgot to put down who I was tagging :)
However, I don't like to tag people, but if you read this, you can consider yourself tagged, and if you want to, go ahead and post about it as well.
Posted by
6:20 PM
Saturday, December 22, 2007
Comcast has issues, but then again... so do I
I was going to write about how Comcast cable company is full of idiots, then I changed my mind. Then I changed it again. Oh it is so nice being a woman, and being able to change your mind on a whim, LOL.
I tried to switch to comcast the other day, but because I have an outstanding balance of $.21 they wouldn't let me. I told them I never received a bill and they said they dont send out bills for such a small amount. Ummm ok, how am I supposed to know I owe them then. So if I want to switch to Comcast, then I have to pay the $.21 on a credit card, where they cahrge me $4.95 convience fee, or drive 20 minutes away and pay it at the office. It is against their policy to allow me to give the person who will hook up the cable a quarter. They could even keep the change. LOL
My mom said I should threaten to go Mona Shaw on them. If you haven't heard this story, click on the link, it is the BEST story. A truely heartwarming story of a 75 year old woman who took on Comcast and their crappy customer service into her own hands. I also love how there is now a blog for comcast haters.
Anway, since I decided not to tell you about my dealings with the comcast idiots ;), I decided to share some children fun. My favorite is the second video - I love the way Levi dance.
I tried to post the video on here, but it wouldn't work. So here are the links. I hope you check them out, because they made me laugh! Especially the second one...
The oldest 5 of mine and a snowball fight
The younger two dancing
Posted by
11:24 PM
Thursday, December 20, 2007
The Man Cold...
If only things were so easy for the men... LOL. There is nothing much else to say. Oh to be a man...
Posted by
6:09 PM
Labels: the man cold
Google reader is making me anti-social
I know that last week I was talking about my trip to the Consulate on this past Monday, and how I was going to write about it, because I was sure there would be something to write about. Well I was wrong. The traffic on the way there was great. We got there, got in and out of there in 2 hours or so. It was just a smooth trip all the way around. But sometime in February I have to go back to get Honduran passports for the youngest 5, so maybe I will have a good story or too then.
I have alot of blogs that I read on a regular basis. Some of them are listed on my blog rolls to the right, and others, I just haven't had a chance to add to my blog roll. I spent alot of time going to each blog via my main page, clicking on the link so that it would open up in a seperate window, and taking my time to read the blog, read the comments, and leave a comment. However, it would take me so long, I wouldn't be able to visit everyone, and read everyone's blog and leave comments.
So I decided to check out Google Reader. If you don't know what google reader is, well its awesome. You put in your favorite blogs, and everytime one of those blogs is updated, the update shows up in one spot. Sort of like an email with all your favorite updated blogs. Since I got the Google Reader, I have been able to keep up with most of your blogs. The only problem now is while I have the updates all in one place, I am not able to leave comments on the blogs. To leave comments I would have to open up the main blog, and go from there. Which in theory, is no biggie. But because I have been in a funk, and just in a blah mood, it has become much easier to sit back and say nothing, and read everyones blog. To become anti-social. A wallflower so to speak. One who watches everything and everyone, but doesn't talk to anyone. And while that suits me right now because I am in a funk, it doesn't help me get out of this funk. Usually, when I am in this mood, I have to force myself to talk to people, and to interact, and eventually I will kick myself out of the mood.
So I guess that means that I have to give up on my Google Reader, so that I can talk to you all.
Posted by
5:54 PM
Labels: google reader
Sunday, December 16, 2007
An alternate universe.
Posted by
11:26 PM
Labels: confusion
Saturday, December 15, 2007
Cheese Confusion...
I was online today doing some research on how to make cheese from fresh milk. I was trying to find out if from the same milk can you make fresh butter and fresh cheese. And while I didn't get the answer I was looking for, I did come across this. Go ahead, click on the link, I will wait. I think I am a bit speachless. I don't know why I am speachless. Is it because someone actually thought to do that, or that it didn't work or what.
Some of the comments though did have me laughing.
But I thought I would share my confussion with all of you. Enjoy...
Posted by
9:14 PM
Making plans to become annoyed...
After the fun of last time, from my house I am trying to only bring myself, Levi and Johan. Gloria and Larry will be going as well. I am hoping that schools are in on time Monday morning too, otherwise I will have to bring everyone except for Andre, and Lana. Lana because I have someone else willing to watch her, and Andre because he can stay home by himself. Jordan is old enough to stay home by herself, but if I left Andre and Jordan home together by themselves, well there would be no house to come home too. I am excited to go and spend a good portion of my day sitting (possibly standing - depending on how many people beat us there) in an overheated little room waiting for people who seem to be doing nothing to decide to come out and call my name. Then to go back out to the waiting room to wait some more for the Consulate to decide to sign the paperwork. Last time waiting for the Consualtes signature took 4 hours or so. I will be taking my camera though, so there should be some fun there.
And just because, here are a couple of videos of my little ones...
Johan counting in English and Spanish
Lana showing how she feels about her papi
Levi just chilling
Posted by
1:06 AM
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
Dear Santa...

Dear Santa,
Posted by
7:16 PM
Monday, December 10, 2007
911 what is your emergency?
So I had to make the call. I felt so stupid telling 911 what my emergency was. But they were very very nice, and came out and with their little tiny saw, took it apart and got her out of the chair and told me there is no reason not to feel bad. It only took them 5 minutes or less to get her out. She was in awe of them, and Johan was angry that they broke his chair, LOL. They were leaving and he was yelling at them to come back and fix it because they broke it. Now my family heirloom is out back in the trash waiting for trash day to come so that it can go to its new home.
As for Lana, she is fine. She is going to be covered in bruises on her back and belly/chest, but other than that, she is back to normal getting into everything.
My poor chair all broken up - you can see where I was sawing the arm, I did most of the main cut, but couldn't go further without hurting her, and then on the other side I started to cut it there. They also took out the back peices, and the rocking peice on the one leg was broken off.
Posted by
2:38 PM
Thursday, December 6, 2007
Oh what a suprise. Snow...
For those of you who don't know, I live in Maryland. I have lived here my whole life. In MD we get all four seasons. Winter, Spring, Summer and Fall. In the spring, its usually rainy, in the summer its hot, in the fall its crisp outside, and in the winter we get something called SNOW.
I really don't understand these people. Really I don't. As I said, we get snow every year. EVERY YEAR. Sometimes earlier in the season, sometimes later, but we always get it. It isn't like this is Florida where it never snows. Because if it was I would understand. But its not. It is Maryland. Where we get snow every freakin year. If you are one of those people who forget how to drive when it snows, then you need to move to Florida, Hawaii or some other hot weather place where it never snows.
Yesterday I had to go to Baltimore. Ok, I didn't HAVE to, but I really needed to. I had to get the box ou to Gigante Express so that my husband would get it so that he could sign certain papers and get them back to me. I had planned on going yesterday for a while now, and I wasn't about to let a little snow keep me home.
The exit into the city of Baltimore is less than 20 miles away from my house. Usually it takes me less than 15 minutes to get to the city. Once in the city, its another story to get where I need to be, but thats due to city traffic. In an hour and a half I went 12.3 miles. On 95. Not side roads, but on I-95. At no point was I stopped. Traffic was slow going due to trucks and cars that were on the side of the road in a ditch - trucks that obviously rolled over - more than once. Now I don't know how it happened - it was yucky out, but not really wasn't that bad out. It wasn't great, but how someone (well more than one someones) ended up rolling thier cars was beyond me.
Anyway, once I got to 695, and it was already 11AM, and I was only halfway there, I decided to come on back home. Being stuck in the van with most of the kids, going less than 10 miles an hour down the road, freezing our butts off is not, (since the heater isn't working right now in the van) then possibly not being able to make it back home in time to get Mick and Isa off the bus because of the idiots going down 95 (on my way up there were 3 spots that I passed in those 12.3 miles where there was no cars passing. Three DIFFERENT accidents that caused 95 to come to a standstill in THREE different places. And I am sure there were more farther down the stretch of 95 that I didn't know about.
But today I made it Baltimore and sent the box, and now I can sit back and relax, my letters, passport papers for the kids, and all the home videos that we made will be in Honduras in two weeks or so. Now I need a nap.
Posted by
9:22 PM
Tuesday, December 4, 2007
among other things...Why I want to move to Honduras
I was thinking about why I am moving to Honduras, and thought I would share some of them with you.
- We all know my number one reason is my husband. To bring my family back together.
- beauty - everywhere, but real beauty, not the commercial beauty. When people think about the beauty of Honduras, they think about the beaches. Yes the beaches are beautiful, but it the people that make Honduras beautiful.
- I want my children to experience a different culture. To learn to not take everything for granted
- I want my children to grow up in a place where things aren’t as important as people and family.
- Back in 2001 I went to Guatemala and I knew when I stepped off of the plane that I was home. Once I got to know the people it just became more concrete in my mind. I had found my place. Not necessarily that country, but that culture. I knew that I would be back to live some point in my future.
- One day I as online and I came across a website – - and I cried. And I had a feeling that this is what I am supposed to be doing. And Si Dios Quiere – God Willing as everyone says in Honduras– I will be able to do something along these lines in Honduras. Maybe not on such a large scale, but something along these lines to make a difference.
- I am a country girl at heart. I cant wait to become a farmer/ranchers wife. (man that sounds odd to call my husband a farmer or rancher, LOL)
When I spoke about the beauty of Honduras, I said the people. But I find beauty in so many things. Simple things that others may not see as beautiful. I think for me, the best way to describe it is that there are so many things that are "ugly" to society, that to me are beautiful. There is a blog on my blogroll. My Life In Chacala, and it is a blog written by someone in Chacala, Mexico. And some of the pictures that are posted there to me are the most beautiful pictures. But they are pictures of the area. Not the touristy places, and not beautiful by tourist standards, but to me they are beautiful. The fabrics, the colors, the people. All of it. Here is one of my favorite posts, and the pictures that show some of the beauty that I am talking about. I wish that when I went to Honduras, I had thought to take more pictures. I wish that when I went to Guatemala, when I got the film developed, I had gotten it on a CD too, so that I could share some of them with you.
Posted by
7:41 PM
Labels: why I am going to honduras
Monday, December 3, 2007
Prozac anyone?
Now I don't know what I would do without her. She is the biggest help with the kids, and she does it willingly. Sometimes I have to remember not to pile everything on her, and let her be a kid, because she just does this on her own to help me out.
She is a big pain in the you know what as well. But thats due to being pre-teen and hormones and what not. At the doctors today, her ped told me she is at the beginning of puberty, and should have her first period in 2 years or so. I told him I didn't think she would live that long, if I had to wait 2 years for this hormonal stuff to become monthly, instead of ALL THE TIME.
Case in point. She was going out to dinner with my mom tonight, and I asked her if she wanted all of us to go, or just her. She said all of us. Then she was crying because she NEVER gets time alone with my mom, so she didn't want us to go. Ok, no big deal. So I started to make dinner, and she asks me why am I making dinner, aren't we all going out. I told her no, she said she wanted to go by herself, and she ran out the room screaming and crying because I was putting to much pressure on her and she wanted us all to go to have fun together.
WTH??? I swear I don't think I was this bad when I was her age. I really don't. So I sat down with her, pulled her into my lap and asked her again, trying to figure out what it was that she wanted. She said she didn't want to feel like she was selfish. I told her she wasn't being selfish by wanting to go by herself, and really it was no big deal. So she went by herself.
She comes home from dinner in a good mood. Everyone had cupcakes, my mom left, and Jordan once again turned my home into hormonal hell. She threw herself on the couch and began to cry hysterically again. Mickey asked her whats wrong, and she said everything. With the exception of dinner with my mom this day was HORRIBLE. Mickey said that she loved her, and she hopes Jordan liked her present. Jordan asked what it was, and she said she got a hug and a kiss for her because she loves her, and a dog from the toy bucket downstairs that Jordan can sleep with. (Mickey is 4). Jordan said thats a stupid present, ran to her room and proceeded to cry for a good 15 minutes.
Then she came out and apologized to me and Mickey for her behaviour and went to bed all smiles and happy as can be.
Maybe I should give her a Valium instead of, or along with a Prozac. sheesh. At least she still talks to me. I know the time where I become her enemy is on its way.

Jordan, earlier this summer
Happy Birthday Jordan. Hormonal or not, I love you!
Posted by
9:24 PM
Sunday, December 2, 2007
Pictures and Videos Oh My...
This was my attempt at getting a good family picture. Out of all the ones I took, this is the only one they are all looking at the camera. To bad they aren't all smiling.

I love to harass Lana. She is such a faker. I love to tell her she is Mala (bad) just to see her fake her cry, LOL.
And just for a laugh – one of the funniest commercials I have ever seen…
the red pants and blue shirt with the white sweater thrown over the shoulders – oh how I wish my man would dress like that. LMAO
Posted by
3:58 PM