Sunday, February 3, 2008

An embarrasing moment...or two

Has anything really embarrasing ever happened to you? Something so embarrasing that you dont even want to share it? Well share it. Karen over at The Rocking Pony has a give away going on. All you have to do to enter is share one of your MOST embarrasing stories. If she gets over 100 comments then she will do 2 giveaways. And you can enter more than once. I already entered twice. I have many many bright red memories to share, but I don't know if I feel like that big of a dork to share them ALL, LOL.

But go on over, read my two embarrasing stories, laugh at me, leave a comment sharing your own, and you may win something.


Karen said...

Thanks for the shout-out! My friend, you've lived a humiliating life. I'm so sorry. Those stories will keep me up at night with alternating shouts of laughter and bouts of nightmares.

onthegomom said...

I will have to pop over and share my 1 or 2, or 20 embarrasing stories! I loves contests :-)

Amie V said...

I never remember my embarrassing moments-- thank goodness! They're bad enough to live through once!

I kept trying to comment on your blog before this, and it wouldn't let me. Just over 100 days for you... about the same for me. But that's not enough time! I pretty well freaked when I read that... so it's your fault I know exactly how long I have left and I'm stressed about it, lol!

Oh, and having all your kids probably does contribute to time going so quickly! =)

Honduras Sprout said...

You are one crazy lady. Okay, I think I have some equally gaffing moments, but you are so brave to share and you tell the stories so good I was rolling!

Andrea said...

I laughed at yours and congrats on winning!! You are so lucky, there are some way cute shirts!!!

I would have died walking out infront of all my husband's friends!!! :)

Heather said...

I miss ya girl!! Hope all is well!!

The Romero-Schroeder said...

Congrats on winning!!! or should i say how embarassing!!! jajaja... Sorry to hear that Levi is sick again, hope he is feeling better!

Damama T said...

COOL FOR YOU FOR WINNING! Wish I'd seen that contest because I could have entered my recent post: These tools are NOT for sharing! Think anyone will believe that I had no idea she was using that monkey when I posted it on my blog?? AACK! Oh well.. and life goes on! LOL!

Sorry I've been away for so long. Gonna go catch up now. xoxoxo