Sunday, February 17, 2008

Win Something and Make a Difference all at once

If you had one million dollars to give to a charity, or to make a difference in the world, what would you do with that money? Who would you give it to? How would you put it to good use? While I don't have one million dollars to give to anyone, I would like to hear what you would do with the money.

For the next week I will be holding a contest that has two types of winners. There will be a winner (or more) from those who leave coments, and there will also money donated to help a cause.

Here is how it works. From now until noon EST next Sunday - February 24th - I want you all to post a comment telling me what you would do with those million dollars if someone gave it to you. Tell me about your charity, or how you would make a difference. Then next Sunday, at 12:01 - or so, I will randomly choose a person (or more) as the winner.

What do you win, you ask? The winner(s) will win a coin purse from Basura Bags. There will be 1 winner chosen for comments 1-99. for 100 - 149, another winner, 150-199 another winner and so on and so on. (yes I know I dont usually get very many comments, but one can dream right, LOL).

Also - for every comment posted, I will donate $1.00 to Basura Bags. And if you post about this contest in your blog, then come back and leave me a link in my comments, then that comment will count as a $2 comment.

I will tell what I would do with the money next week, when I post the winner(s).

Be sure to check out Basura Bags to see the good work that they are doing - helping those in need, as well as recycling.


Karen said...

Oooh, a contest - I love them! If I had a million dollars I'd pay off the mortgage for starters. And other random debts. Then I'd sock away a ton for the kids college, take a vacation and put the rest in savings. Of course I'd give to the local church for a charity because there's so much potential there. I'd love to see them start a summer camp focusing on kids with disabilities. Just a dream of mine.

Wife of a Honduran Man said...

What a wonderful question!

Even though, there are a million charities that could benefit from each and every dollar, I would have to say that the work done by Doctors Without Borders would be my hands down choice.

Wife of a Honduran Man said...

Here is the link to my site. I don't get any traffic except for you.


How to ....and other interesting stuff.: This is a great contest..CHECK IT OUT!

Wife of a Honduran Man said...

I went ahead and reposted it in my yahoo 360 and in my myspace account. I do have a ton of old high school and college friends on my myspace.

Maybe, they will contribute to basura bags are well.

Take care!

Earning Money the legit way. said...

Great contest!! A million dollars would be helpful to me. After leaving $10,000 to each of my children( that should be enough to get them going), I would do a few things for my family.. my kids need braces, I need to see a dentist, my cats need a thorough check up and I would buy a new car, go back to college. After that, I would go to Honduras and help my husband's family.. probably buy alot of property and build a village to help all of them, and put some type of business there( pulperia?, cows) so income would be producing, I would also probably donate to the Micah project, or open up a project similiar to it with the rest of the money. I don't think I need a million dollars to live happily, but I know that a few dollars can help so many other people with things we here in the state don't even think about like a bar of soap or a toothbrush.

Heather said...

Million dollars? hmmm, i would use it buy a house in san diego, paid in full, and the rest would be used for a community center in dh's town in brasil.

Unknown said...

If I had a million dollars I could have it spent in a day! After paying off our home and bills and doing some updates to the house I would put some money in savings for each child. I would purchase a new playground for our elementary school and then donate the rest to our church. Our church has so many missions and outreach programs that the money would go world wide to teach others about God and help others in need. It's God's money to being with and by the Grace of God it would be for me to win a million dollars so it would have to go back to HIM! God Bless you Jennifer. Have a wonderful week!

Andrea said...

Well this is an easy one, I would set up college funds for each of my children and then give the rest to St. Judes Children's Hospital and Research. I feel that no child or parent should ever have to suffer through cancer. I wish that they could find a cure. That is what I would do.

Susan Lechuga said...

If I had a million dollars I would buy 2 house. 1 for my family and 1 for my struggling grand parents. Then I would open up a clinic for uninsured families and children that was 100% free or a clinic to help immigrants get their lives together. I wish I had a million dollars so I could make this dream a reality. I need to play the lottery now.

Jennie B said...

Let's see. If I had a million dollars I would find a literacy group that I could help under-priveledged kids get ahead in school with. I would love to be a mentor to tons of kids and show them that they can do what ever they dream up and that school success is a way to help them get there! I wouldn't focus just one the "normal" kids either, I would want to set up programs for mentally, physically and emotionally challenged kids as well. ALL kids need to know they have a chance for "reaching for the stars"

wolfie_cr said...

I would have no choice but to create a foundation and run it myself, its the only way to ensure its spent properly

Somehow go into the poorest place and extract a given amount of kids and give them a good education and hope that they do the same when/if they are succesful

That and rescue all the stray dogs in my country :)

Jennie B said...

I thought of another, if I had another million dollars, i would start a campaign for universal healthcare. I think it is essential in our failing economy that we provide universal healthcare for everyone. Albeit, I am not opposed to private as well, if you can pay for it, choose who you like to go to. But so many people can't afford it (and so many children are suffering because of it) that we need some good research and lobbyists to help the gov't see there is more out there that they NEED to do!

.off my soap box. You really shouldn't have opened up this pandoras box in my brain jennifer. LOL!

Amie V said...

A million dollars... I would first pay off my student loan debt and invest some for my future, because I believe that I can make a difference-- but it'll be so much easier if I don't have to be stressed about finances all the time. I would divide the money up into tenths, because I don't think any one place really knows what to do with a million dollars, and $100,000 is still a heckuvalot of money-- one for me/my future family (if there is one); two to Children International, to help my sponsored child as well as others who need it; three to endow a scholarship or two to my undergrad in Tennessee, to help people who wouldn't be able to get an education otherwise; four to the church; five to the Make Poverty History campaign (or something similar); six to Ronald McDonald Houses, who do so much to help keep families together during long illnesses; seven to a medical mission such as Doctors Without Borders; eight to an organisation helping the Palestinian people (although I would have to do some really good research before I gave it away-- I'm not interested in playing politics, but in helping people who are just struggling to live); nine to the literacy foundation my sister is going to set up, lol, or something like it, because kids could do a lot worse than learning to love reading; and ten to my friends who are missionaries, for their work through the Wesleyan Church around the world.

Whew! Great idea, Jennifer... thanks for making me think about this! =)

Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness there are so many things I could do with that money, so many charities that would be great candidates. But honestly, after seeing the things I have in places like Honduras, and Mexico, I would want to put that money there. I honestly feel the government doesn’t care about the people. I would want to put that money into medical care for the poor, and food, clean water, sufficient housing, goodness there are so many things. I wouldn’t want to turn it into another United States, but something better for the people. I know they are happy to live how they are, but I also know they need those little extra things that would make life easier for them. I know im rambling, but my gosh I have so many ideas going threw my head right now. To have that money to give to those people would be such a blessing for me and to them. I feel so passionate about this because the love of my life and his family live there. I have seen those things. Maybe not firsthand, but I know. Those people deserve those things. You know I have also talked about opening a shop down there. Like making clothing or something like that, getting the people there to work for me, and actually paying them like they should be. Not this crap of 25cents a day or what ever it is they pay.. Who on earth can live off of that??