Saturday, December 15, 2007

Cheese Confusion...

I was online today doing some research on how to make cheese from fresh milk. I was trying to find out if from the same milk can you make fresh butter and fresh cheese. And while I didn't get the answer I was looking for, I did come across this. Go ahead, click on the link, I will wait. I think I am a bit speachless. I don't know why I am speachless. Is it because someone actually thought to do that, or that it didn't work or what.

Some of the comments though did have me laughing.

But I thought I would share my confussion with all of you. Enjoy...


Adrians Mama said...

Too funny!!!

onthegomom said...

Okay, I am speechless, as well and totally dumbfounded. I KNOW I COULD NOT do that!!! Way too much of an ewwwwwwwwwww factor for me.

Andrea said...

Oh my that was something!! I had to laugh and then got sick to my stomach. Man that girl can lactate!! What the heck is she doing with all that milk, dontating it where? Yeah some of those comments were funny. Did you read the one about the....uhm well...I am sure you did. I was laughing. My husband thought it was interesting. Thanks for that!!

Suburban Correspondent said...

Hmmm....from what I can remember (from when I actually use to read about breastfeeding, aeons ago), human milk has way less fat(?) than cow's milk, so that may have made the difference.

I'm not freaked out by the idea, though. Maybe because I've been nursing for 16 years. I can't remember - do you nurse?

Honduras Sprout said...

It just never even occurred to me to do something like that with excess breast milk. Never.